Frequently asked questions


When will I receive my tracking number?

You will usually receive your tracking number within 1-3 days after placing your order.

Why isn't my tracking number working?

It may take up to 5 days for your tracking number to activate once you receive it. Please allow this time for the tracking information to update.

How fast is the delivery time?

Our standard delivery time is 7-15 days.

What is the exchange/return/refund policy?

We value our customer experience highly. If you encounter any problems with our products, we will gladly issue a full refund. Please contact our customer service team for assistance with exchanges or returns.

What should I do if I didn't receive an order confirmation, need updates, or need tracking information?

If you did not receive your order confirmation, need updates, or require tracking information, please reach out to our "Contact Us" page or email us at for assistance. We are here to ensure your shopping experience with us is as smooth as possible.